Artificial Cigarette

E-Z Quit Inc.’s Smokeless
Artificial Cigarette at a Glance

You do not light it. When you inhale through an Artificial Cigarette, the cartridge releases a refreshing mint flavor that refreshes your mouth and occupies your taste buds.

  • Re-Usable Artificial Cigarette.
  • No Nicotine, No Drugs.
  • Over One Million Units Sold!
  • Over 38 Years On The Market.
  • Use In All No-Smoking Areas.
  • Works well with nicotine patches, gum, etc.
  • Made in the U.S.A.
  • 30 day Money Back Guarantee*.

*Less shipping and handling, contact us for details.

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Smokeless Artificial Cigarettes that have the feel & also allow you to puff on without smoke.


You’re hearing a lot about nicotine addiction these days. Withdrawal from a physical addiction to nicotine can be very uncomfortable, but complete withdrawal can be achieved in a matter of weeks. But there’s another side to your smoking habit. ORAL ADDICTION. Keeping a cigarette in your lips. Puffing quickly when you’re nervous. Just holding a cigarette when you pick up the phone, or a drink…

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Smokeless Artificial Cigarettes
I invented EZ-Quit

I invented EZ-Quit to help my friends cut down on smoking. Why not try it for yourself?